The Doughnut Empire *GLORIUS DOGHNUTS!*
The Legends of Doughnutia
The Royal Palace

"Good day dear doughnutian." The Empress greets you..

You wirl around to see a... Human?? Strange, you thought she'd look like a faerie or something! Oh well. She's adorned with jewels, in her hair and ears. Her glasses look like they're made of either crystal... or doughnuts, or crystalic doughnuts! That's it.
"I'm glad you have come to hear some legends of Doughnutia!" She announces. Strange, you half recognize her and her voice. Maybe it's- No. That's crazy. You have NO idea who she is after running through some ideas in your head.
"What's your name? Chop chop!" She giggles as you studder out your name. "Don't be shy now. I won't bite." All of the sudden an old man  with crazy looking eyes taps you on your shoulder and says with a feeble voice,
"Beware the Doughnut Palace! It's guards are ruthless! The head guard is an insane doughnut draik! He likes to scare and torture People and Neopets! Unless he's really angry... Then he- then he.." His voice fades away as the Empress glares, getting up from her seat. "He sacrifices you to the doughnut god!" He gasps, before the Empress howls.
"Begone peasant! You have no rite to speak lies to the poor person! OR IN FRONT OF ME! GUARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Three doughnut lupes grab the old man and carries him away.
"Where are they taking him?" You squeel. The empress' scowl fades and she smiles at you. "They're just removing him from the grounds. He'll be taken to his family." The Empress explains to you. "Now onto some better legends, but first... Any questions?" She asks. You start to shake your head, but then a question pops into your head.
"What's your name?" You ask, blushing. The Empress frowns, but answers you anyways.
"I am called Empress Firedrake to those beneath me. I do have a name. But only those who are in my... inner, circle know it." Her frown deepens, but after a few deep breaths from you, her lips begin to form a small smile. "Now, where were we? Ah yes!"
"Long ago, when Doughnutia was first born-" Empress Firedrake was interupted again by a Doughnut Draik storming through the door.
"Empress!" He booms, "There's an intruder!" You hide a laugh as the Empress rolls her eyes.
"Where is it Frosting?" She asks with a hint of boredness in her voice. The Draik's face falls and his voice drops to a whisper.
"The doughnut palace ma'am!"  You stare with your mouth open. Did he just say the Doughnut Palace? Empress Firedrake's face falls even more than the draik's. "I'll-I'll-I'll be right there!" She says, breathing heavily. She quickly tells you that you can read any of the books in the library to the right, or you can explore the rest of Doughnutia, and then she sprints out the door with the draik at her heels...

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