The Doughnut Empire *GLORIUS DOGHNUTS!*
The Royal Palace
The Royal Palace

As your strolling around the streets of the Doughnut Empire. You see a large castle in the middle of the island. You quickly run over to a store keeper and ask what it is.
"Why that's the Royal Palace! Not to be confused with the..." She lowers her voice to a whisper.
"Doughnut Palace." You then thank the shop keeper and buy a map of doughnutia, paying only 15 NP since you were so, polite! You then jog up to the palace and ask the guards if you can go in. They look you over and send you through a doughnut version of a metal detector. After that you walk in and are amazed! The flooring is carpeted with the most expensive baabaa's wool! The walls are inscribed with the names of doughnuts and the royal family! You gasp and back up into somebody, knocking them down.
"I'm terribly sorry!" You tell her, but she get's up laughing. As he gets up you notice that she looks JUST like the Empress, only she isn't adorned with jewels and a heavy gown. She also doesn't have glasses. Only strangley purple eyes.
"It's alright there! I'm Lunatic! I speak on behalf of the queen around Neopia! She rarely makes a public apperance!" She smiles at you and offers a tour around the palace...



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