The Doughnut Empire *GLORIUS DOGHNUTS!*
The Doughnut Palace
The Royal Palace


You've heard many legends... many stories. You've seen many old, crazy people... but you never thought it could be real!!! Tears stream down you face when you relize that you forgot your camera at your NeoHome!

Mellow's Story... so far!                                                                                       
I pause and look over my shoulder. The Draik slows as he approaches where I stand. Doughnut Knights line up behind him, all of them in-cased in metal armor plates, grasping longs spears and swords.
"You there." The Draik breathes. "You must leave at once! This is a holy area! I blink a few times."
"Holy area-"
"CATCH HER!" he bellows. The Knights lift up their swords and call out a deep battle cry! I feel the hair on the back of my neck rise up and I twirl around. My shoes scrap against the silver table as I rush down it and jump off, the Knights soon at my heels.
"Please!" I beg out-loud. They seem not to hear me over their grunts and clanking of their weapons. I skid around a corner of the great Palace, almost slamming into its massive wall. My shoes make dull thuds on the tile as I begin to out run them.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" I hear the Draik scream as he rounded the corner. "WHIMPS! GET GOING! CATCH HER!!" I skid around another corner, pick my pace up and-

To be continued...


I fall backwards and onto my butt. My head began to throb as I opened my eyes and peered up at a large door. A silver plate (with doughnuts around it) reads in bold letters: STAFF CLOSET

For a second I wonder what exactly it means, but then decide to not waste my time as I hear the Draik and his Knights getting closer. I hurry to my feet and grab the door knob.


I tug and pull, curses escaping under my breath. I could hear them gaining on me.

"Find her our ALL of you will be sacrificed!" I heard. I become frantic. They were so close I swore they could hear my heart beat! I give the door one last yank and it creaks open.

I jump for joy and dive inside the rooms dark depths. The door creaks shut behind me. I curl up into a ball and scoot away from it, looking at the light that was seeping under it.

"I never thought I would see the day" the Draik said, his voice echoing off the Palace walls as he neared my hiding place. "when a human got into the Doughnut PalaceAGAIN!"

"Maybe we should just let her go, Sir" I hear a random Knight mutter.

"WHAT!? NO! This is holy ground! And her blood will be shed on it if its the last thing I do!"

"But Sir!" another Knight, with a much deeper voice, said, "Empress Firedrake will have you beheaded if you kill someone, let alone in here!"

"Quiet fool!" the Draik yells. Suddenly there is a clank of swords and a quick, swift, swishing sound. Then a thud. Terrified, I bend down and peer under the door.

Blood slowly runs in croaked lines to where I sit. I scream and jump up, then back away, hit something, and fall back. The door flings open and the Draik glares down at me. His unsheathed sword soaked in a deep red.

"Ahhh" he whispers, a smile creeping over his face. "The human girl" He raises his sword as he takes slow steps toward me.

Sweat beads drip down my face. This was it, I was down for. I was going to be slaughtered in a closet!

Then I felt something. A long, smooth stickor rodI didnt care which at the time. I picked it up and thrashed out furiously. With a lucky swing I slam my weapon into the Draiks head. He howls in pain and stumbles backwards. His Knights scramble to help him. Taking the opportunity, I jump out of the closet and turn to run when

A girl in long robes stands looking at me. Doughnut Lupes stand beside her, their tails swishing. "Who are you?" she asks, her eyes staying locked to me.


"Mellow? A human? In the Doughnut Palace!? Guards! Seize"

"No! Wait!" I yell. She eyes me suspiciously. "I swear! I stumbled in here by accident! But you have got to help me! This Draik! Hehe.."

"EMPRESS!!" I look over my shoulder. The Draik and his Knights bend down onto their knees. "Empress Firedrakewe found his human girl in the Palace snooping around"

"Lies!" I cry. "I didnt know WHAT this place was! Empress! Your own head Knight killed one of his own!" The Draik flinched at my words.

"Draik!" the Empress roared. "Come hither!" The Draik stood and walked past me.

"Damned human girl" he hissed, his eyes flashing fire as he pasted. "Yes, Empress?"

"Hand over your sword." She growled. I raised my eyebrows. She was feisty for such a young age. She was younger than me, I supposed.

"But Empress"

"HAND IT OVER!" The Draik gulped and unsheathed his sword. Crusted blood fell onto the floor. The Empress looked down at it.

"I see" she said. "Guards, seize him!" The Lupes growled in response and dived at him, pinning him down to the ground. He cried out.

"Now." She said, looking up at me. "Mellow, was it?" I nodded. "O.K. Come with me, Mellow. The Doughnut Royal Family is stunned. I have never seen an outside survive my head Knight and his Knights." She paused. Then motioned me to come to her. "Welcome." She said, a smile lighting up her face. "Welcome to the Doughnut Empire."

To be continued... Again...

You see multi colured doughnuts on the golden thrones and chairs. A HUGE silver table runs down the middle of the room that your in...
"You there! Come here!"
You turn around to see a doughnut coloured Draik racing after you.

What do you do next??
Neomail raving_lunatic_4_eva or e-mail! All entries will be posted unless the author want's them to either be private, or have to be found!